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🐼Truth Dare Chill 🐼

Because I've met some very mature 20-year-olds and some very immature 45-year-olds
True true
Where do I fall with the little we have spoken??
You're fine VIP
Good evening all
It's not that difficult to be respectful of others. I don't even think this is an age thing. It's more of an attitude that certain people have on here
Definitely an attitude thing and imo it reflects on how they've been brought up :
But I think it just makes me sad when I see young people with an attitude because they're only hurting themselves
The ones who are open to learning and growing will become better people because of it
The ones who are not just get stuck in a rut and keep repeating the same dysfunctional cycle
I have mentored a lot of people on this app and I've seen people grow and thrive... but it's not necessarily because of me mentoring them. It's also because they were open to it and they had a mature healthy attitude about things
Hey hey viper
Awe so cool lil !
So I can't really take the credit for work that other people did themselves. But what makes them special is that they are open to learning from other people's life experiences. They don't just dismiss other people's input. Especially older people with life experience
>>> Hey hey viper Hey Ms S, hope you're well
When I was young I worked in a nursing home. Now Grant it a lot of the people there did have dementia so it's not like they were all old and wise LOL because some of them were just really out there LOL but there were a few who were still of sound mind
And they were worthy of being listened to
Young people can learn a lot from older Generations if they just listen and open themselves to learning about what other people have been through
Just a pity the world isn't learning that more
The world doesn't seem to be learning s*** anymore
I feel like everyday people's brains are just being erased
There's so much stuff we should have learned now.. yet people just seem destined to keep repeating history over and over again
Sad truth
>>> Young little punk lol Asked for advice then complained she got it
Ugh my cold just keeps getting worse
Oh no Panda
Drink some tea
Have you tested for anything to see what's going on?
Do you have any oregano oil?
Awe that sucks panda 😔
Hello 👋🏼🤗
>>> Have you tested for anything to see what's... Negative for covid. I don't have a fever so I don't think it's flu
That's good you don't have a fever. My brother is sick right now too. He came down here to visit someone in the hospital and now he thinks he might have norovirus. He was throwing up all night😪
I just ran out and brought him a bunch of electrolytes and stuff
That's awful 😔
You're a good sister
We got like a foot of snow over the last few days
We are supposed to get some snow and ice here starting this afternoon
But only a couple of inches.
Does Buddy like playing in the snow?
He does