The disciple that was an apostle
>>> The only disciple that was an adult was peter Which Peter ?
The rest were under the age of 20 yrs old
And the messiah
The only disciple that was an adult was peter
Jesus is gay as f@k with twelve men .
Only if , Jesus was real
Jesus is not guns ๐Ÿ˜‚
I'm awake
Is anyone woke
This tastes as good as amish milk
Dude if anyone is in CA Try this..
Dude fxuck this is getting me so high
This is the best damn milk in CA
I just saw this brand for the first time ever in a store today. It's a new farm i guess
Raw indian milk
Dude this is damn good
Just buy it online
And then u have the rest of the country still..
I'm buying lands in the US
Tell me the process of buying it
Thats cheap
Ya there are tons of lands for under 1k
Oh wow
500 dollars
Just get that to get in lol
U can easily get an acre in az for like 500
Ya ppl do that
Even if u dont get a green card they'll let u stay for like 3 months every yr or somth
As long as they let u get a vaccine exemption ur good
I will build yurt houses and put them on airbnb
That u just put a battery in
I need to buy land in the US
And u can just buy a cheap portable stove from amazon or whatever

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