Aye, I knew a lass from Florida on here that got stalked badly from a cray cray on here
>>> Stalk me harder rebel 🫠
I tried ... you dun wanna be ma good girl
So does Ashy ... the Scottish accent in particular makes her lady bits leak
I sound like a nearly Scottish Mr Bean
Used and cast aside like a broken toy
>>> Whatttt
I'm overseas hen
>>> Lukcy! I never been 😭
I've worked overseas for 30 years pretty much
>>> Dammmm take me with you I'll fit in a suit...
Wish I could
>>> I think it's the same person it always was...
Ohhhhhh so Mypp=Murr=Mypp
Nor me ... I'd break the whole Internet with ma hideousness
Horny whale with a lightsaber
>>> Better than my bawbag comment 6 day ban ffs
Next time ask to see my bawbag nicely then
You forgot to send me my morning noods hen
That's every day in a row now