It wasn't the iranian leader they killed
>>> We took down the Hamas leader that’s been ...
Israel doing a genocide to capture more Palestinian land that isnt theres
Theyre rayping n torturing civilians n children
So youre one of the ppl going about murdering innocents
Israel are supremacists literally
Its in their religious book that theyre chosen by god
N better than everyone else
Its why they view Palestinians like animals
Cus jews think theyre above everyone
>>> We don’t target citizens. Unfortunately th...
Clearly do
Theyre shooting children in the genitals and laughing
Theyre gangrayping men behind shields
Imagine supporting israel
Must be next level retarded
>>> We do a lot but I won’t discuss it in a gc...
Israelis are scum
Nothing to do with religion
Maybe everything to do with murdering palis
Israel was only made as a jewish homeland after ww2
They shouldn't even be there