>>> I don't need to see all. Just 1 to be happ...
Yes sure 1 is enough no need much
Ur ex gf are American girls too?
I enjoy being in relationships. I've been in relationships my whole life
My ex girlfriend tried to destroy my name on social media. I just want it to stop
What she did? Destroy u? I think she has good reason for that
I want crispy bacon, 2 sausages cooked to a crisp, 1 tomato cut in half fried with sliced mushrooms. I want 5 eggs with diced tomato, onion and mushrooms with pepper on salt mixed in and cooked until runny but firm.. and also 4 pieces of toast with melted butter and a glass of orange juice
>>> Maybe u hurt her
I hurt her? I don't think so. It's the other way around
>>> bonus+ A daily bonus of random ₭34 karma ...
TAY 💩💩
buset, dikasih pantat.. ga sopan bgt
kesenengannya ponder nih pasti cem gini
kangen ngobrol sm aku tak?
Menjaga emosi aja klo misalnya gak ngobrol sama km tuh
kok gituuuuuuuu.. kan aku sabar
Kebalik ga sih?? Yg sabar tuh aku 🤨
konon katanya, ponser IM tuh suka tebalikin meja
Jelas sabar lho, saking sabarnya kadang sampe random tepuk ubun2 orang lwt pake uleg an
Ponser IM.. aku sampe mikir itu apa
Indonesia mengobrol
Brem brem 🏍️💨💨💨