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lava a dalit biatch
Nah Lava I'm proud of you. Bully Indians more biatch
from indian biatch
Let’s blindfold Lava and kick in his belly biatch
Isn’t McDonald’s biatch
>>> Let’s blindfold Lava and kick in his belly... Why not bolls? biatch
india* biatch
Heyy biatch
bonys biatch
Well biatch
Insanely mad, what is it like to be insane? biatch
its gonna kick back 😭😭 biatch
He doesn’t have any balls 🤭 biatch
Well for one you guys suck biatch
that fat ass biatch
I'm bored biatch
Because you get started on ignoring me biatch
ANSWER BACK LAVA 🗣️🗣️ biatch
>>> I'm bored biatch Do push ups
I was chatting with my mom on the phone, and she mentioned that Trump loves the people biatch
>>> Well for one you guys suck biatch Who is that guy?
But that’s life everyone will ignore you biatch
(who the f is lava?) biatch
Luffy stop shouting biatch
Do you all genuinely believe that Trump cares about the American people? My mom seems to be really into Trump, but I have a liking for him too biatch
Aren't you guys bored too? biatch
>>> Luffy stop shouting biatch But...😭
Wow biatch
Omg biatch
Fine I'll stop biatch
Lol biatch
>>> Do push ups Already have abs biatch
5x30 biatch
Are you his goon? biatch
Crazy biatch
Dude su already biatch
>>> Already have abs biatch Not for that for good feeling
>>> Dude su already biatch Wow. Okay 💔💔💔
It’s so hard to get fit.. biatch
Feet horse thanks for ditching my signature horse emoji biatch
>>> Not for that for good feeling Get me cocaine biatch
LOL biatch
I seeeeee mod 👀🤏🏻 biatch
Bhaaijaasn biatch
Requires so much willpower & discipline biatch
She aint letting yall hit bruv😞 biatch
Dil toots repeair sentre 🤏🏻 biatch
That horse is close to me biatch