>>> I’m sick of these religions biatch
Go follow iblees
>>> Hi cocaine biatch
High bro
I can only worship Winnie the Xi biatch
Sorry no god allowed here biatch
I feel bad for you crab biatch
For you I made this biatch
No, you’re outright wrong biatch
Shall i appoint you a doctor crab biatch
Sorry crab but you sound not very well biatch
That’s not the Christian Gods name either … biatch
The donkey stickers are cute but I'm too poor to buy them biatch
Someone who has many questions wanna chat with thick gypsy woman? biatch
Are we worshiping cocaine biatch
>>> That’s not the Christian Gods name either ...
All i know is jesus was betrayed and hes not son of God biatch
And bible was lost biatch
Your Quran says he is the word of God though biatch
And Jerusalem conflict started after death of Solomon biatch
>>> Your Quran says he is the word of God thou...
He have 99 different names in Arabic biatch
Why are they keep adding me back in the dome biatch
It wasn’t though because according to your Quran the believers of Jesus were uppermost in their message, so if the bible is lost that means Allah lied biatch
Chasing cars _snow patrol biatch
How do i leave lovedome once and forever biatch
Allah Akbar brothah biatch
Are those names a part of Allah? biatch
lets stop talking about religion in antistress before it gets out of hand and people get banned for it biatch
>>> It wasn’t though because according to your...
Once beloved bani isreal who was favored by God once became disobedient biatch
You didn't even read quran 🤣😂 biatch
>>> lets stop talking about religion in antist...
Yes please biatch
I have, that’s how I know it’s 7th century fan fic biatch
Bann all insecure religious scholars biatch