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England is burning …
Why is England burning
And you want me to wank?
Because of illegal immigrants
Who survive on hard earned tax payers
Of England
Yh if you think that's it then keep reading the news
Hey mate!
We’re not princes of the blood royal. What do you expect us to do
There's more to this problem than just immigration
I’m all ears mate
But immigrants also contribute to tax for English people
People blame the issue of immigration without factoring 30 decades of mismanagement
Coz majority of people surviving on benefits are the British
Once the money runs out they’ll feck off
I’m speaking about illegal immigrants
Can illegal immigrants even get benefits
>>> Coz majority of people surviving on benefi... Immigration only account for 5 of the population, it's ludicrous to think 5 to 7% can magically hoard all the benefits
Take out the scarf from your face and see the reality
And not all immigrants are on benefits
They are
How you think they’re supported in other nations
They’re enjoying all the benefits and free food on others Money .. what better they’re than parasites !?
You’d have to acc provide a stat to even talk about this for it to be a big enough of an issue
Otherwise it’s abit pointless
Read your Epictetus and relax
>>> They’re enjoying all the benefits and free... Don't immigrations buy food, so how can they just be eating free food
Alot of immigrants work
And like the brother said before bring the stats and not emotions
Buying…!? They’re looting stores
Causing mayhem
In others nations
Who asked them come into our land
>>>📷 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
I’m a girl
You’ll know the pain when your country burns.. because of the people who don’t deserve to be here
Get them gains
R u bothered by immigrants or illegal immigrants
That’s the only thing that matters in life. A$$ and t1tties
Coz immigrants got brought here to help fight wars and stuff
>>> R u bothered by immigrants or illegal immi... Most people can't distinguish them from each other
They think both are the same
Kylie soooo sexy skinny
Illegal immigrants… we are proud of immigrants who contribute to the better of our society
My country taught me to know the difference
What's the difference then
Illegal immigrants… we are proud of immigrants who contribute to the better of our society
Hope you can read..