>>> This me. Song made for me lol Yes
I am wearing nothing special guys
What is it?
You are wearing tank top
Paul bhai
Mahal ❣️
You named it wrong
Brain cells are being terminated
This me. Song made for me lol
Eww seven
I guess their eyes are on us
I’m glad you live in the tropics to where you can wear your bikini out all the time
Wow you must have pretty figure
🎶 Her day starts with a ☕️ And ends with a 🍷 🎤🎶
No snake 🐍
I wear my bikini everywhere
Tell me i will sing for you
Seeing you in a bikini
>>> I can go out in my bikini 😏 Snake will see it with snake eye
Don’t be a site
I can go out in my bikini 😏
Any song
Actually its hot
Its sunny and warm
Mayabono biharini horini gohon sopon o soncharini
I can’t sing jingle bells
Which song you want me to sing?
Paul hi
You lost me there
Five little ducks went swimming one day over the hill and far away
Sing is what
Maya successfully avoide me
Jingle bells Santa, smells
Sing is king
Sing for us
Hi seven
I like rice nom nom
Mexican rice

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