Am from india
Go go power rangers
Send me a rose and I’ll show you how
Don’t flip the pictures
Wht does tht mean
I'm going to
Is there a way to make it not flip pictures?
Same here
ryan where are you from you give me some anatolien vibes
lmao calm
Yes happens
Yes’s I am asking for a link
I lost my main id today and i was very sad all the karma is gone but now am trying my best to boost my karma solid
But I know for sure it exists
Idk maybe ask someone for link
Guess some restrictions
I couldn’t find it even if I search for it
It is ngl
Does anyone know how to find the room named quarantine
u call that veggies
oh sry i have never been there
How are you
Hey all
That food looks bland as hell man
Passing by
Just a random thought
Eat your veggies
Ryan, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Solid in your story.
your beard 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Cheat on wht
Wish it would
Nah anti can't make you cheat 😔
the united states
in which country is this fugging city lol
look at that stache 😭

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