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PPoland Gift 🌹🐻❤️💎

Hejka ktoś chętny porozmawiać o mojej dziewczynie można ocenić
👋 𝑰’𝒎 Sushi💍🅺🅹 💗
Where is the gifter pls notice me pls 🤗
treat me with a gift pls
Gift me too
Gift me a lot 💎🤲
Help me to get Crystal Dragon please ❤️😭😭😭
Hello everyone
Niema nikogo?😂
Dawać prezenty 🎁 😂😂
Gift me pls
Gift me pls😂
Gift us pls 😂
Hai daro
Ileż będę czekał 😂😂😂
Idk but be patient 😂😂😂
I'm patient
And so I know that no one will give me
But it's worth trying😂
Maybe you should join all the gift rooms 😂😂😂
So that your chances are bigger 😂😂😂
I doubt it
No, you have to try it!!!
Gifts are probably only women get
I disagree, there are some gift givers who give to men too!!
That's why I'm giving you advice 😂🙈
I don't have enough food to write on other sites
I can't send photos either
I think there are some rooms that don't have walls
Now u can send picts without sp
If I want to send it, I write that it must have 1000 karma
Well there are some rooms that use walls
And there are also those who don't use walls 🤔
And who don't use walls
I cisza nie chcą da prezentu 😂
gift me pls