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Amérique du Nord

>>> Does Americans have pancake day Pancake biddys
Pancakes are good
Ye it’s called Valentine’s Day
A New York sidewalk never looked so cool
Joey crack for president
All caught up on tasks
Sup yall
I need help
I need help
Hey I can help you
Whats up
Me too
I'm broke
Paid rent but have no food
Brotha eww
Make sure you are investing your money correctly especially your retirement funds.
Bro u would not cafch me sayin any of that
Reminds me of grade 4
White lotus is back on. About freaking time
Oooh a gabby petito documentary
I’m the spiciest. Muy caliente is what my peeps call me
I need help
Awe what kind of dog?🥰
I need help