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Anonymous Chat Rooms, Dating roleplay game with random strangers online
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Hi Miss Ivy
Ah yeah it’s better when no one is watching😉
And inmates locked in for the night lol
Hi X!!!! How are you???? Been back for a bit.
Listen… I did. And… it’s not working 😂
Aw dang! Well hi!!
Should have hired me when you had the chance🤣
She’s insane, red. She went home at 11:30 yesterday cause her “dogs were all alone at home” cause her husband was at some cop convention.
I’d fire this one real fast
I had a woman at work who went home because her kid threw up and was feeling sick. But her husband is a stay at home cause he got in a car accident long time ago and he doesn’t work. Her excuse was that he can’t take care of the kid. She also went home once because we had a small fire and the week after she couldn’t handle the smokey smell cause of her astma but she smokes a pack of sigarettes a day😂😂
Some people just make excuses for everything just to not work
lol all good! Hope you’re doing good.
What the actual F 😂 it’s a no from me. I’m actually real irritated
I’m well! Same old really
Mornyt allz
Haha yeah she got fired now but people come up with some weird sht to not work
Howdy all
Hello people
Hi pearl
Hi crustacean lol how are you?
Peachy how about yourself lol
Can't complain. What does peachy mean tho?
Dandy lol
But that’s good
Are you excited for valentine's day?
Hey 😊
Meh just another day to me lol
Are you excited? lol
Good morning!
Not really? I never really saw a point in it tbh
Evening peeps
Howdy howdy
Hey what's up
Hi all.
Just working away
What about yall
Finally able to relax.
Must be nice lol
Well been going since 7:30 AM and now almost 10:00 lol
I feel it man lol. Days never finished, mastas got me working
I know, but I don’t get paid lol
Well that sounds like a horrible deal for you lol
Well someone has to do volunteer work ll
Do you though lol
Yeah. Kinda my way of giving back to my community.