I can live with that as well
Not either the flooding lol
That's what cellar's are for
Hurricanes I can live with ๐Ÿคท
Just need to beware of hurricanes if coastal
How were they?
And the art scene is a lot better in Louisiana than most places in America in my opinion
They are good eating from what I hear
Live in swamp with gators?
Florida is good for a visit but wouldnโ€™t live there
Rural... don't like dealing with people
Florida man
Rural or city? If city , big city or small town?
And I don't like Florida
Humidity doesn't matter, which is why Louisiana is on the list, California is way too expensive
How warm do u want it? What about high humidity?
Northern Alaska?
Not a fan of the cold
Ill go the opposite of warm.
Somewhere a hell of a lot warmer than northwest Washington
Louisiana or Oregon
Which state tho
I'm saving my money to move to a different state and disappear from their lives permanently
Here soon though they'll be regretting it
I see
Never been married, never had kids, I'm just here to be bored out of my mind and pay rent
The other day some relatives came by bc heโ€™s getting married & invites us, but never looked for us for the past 5 years. They just want gifts so we told โ€˜em to hit the road
Welcome to the club fr
Ahh ok
And my "family" is a bunch of jackass's that could care less about me than the dirt they walk on
Is tgat disability?
She gets $450 a month, I get $220 every two weeks
We do cook & you canโ€™t stay home all the time, you need to go out & get things done
At 45?
I'm on social security income
>>> Food! Gas! Food : cook. Gas : commute less ๐Ÿ•
>>> Why else would I be living with my sister ... Aww that must be difficult times before
Are u working ?
Family bonding?
>>> Why else would I be living with my sister ... Yum food?
Why else would I be living with my sister and her family?
Always been so
Been there
People lose their homes bc of inflation
Food! Gas!
Whats overpriced nowadays?

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