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🏙New York

Don’t you wanna see what it’s actually like though
Russia is right
Mine brown
Indian food slaps
lol. I was gonna say something, but I won’t.
ur the best
I’d really like to visit Switzerland
Thank you gwap
No indian food sucks
Thank you for existing
Travelers die in India after dinning there
How is everyone today? I'm Jess. I'm going to bed soon but wanted to say hi
Is anyone actually from India here because I have a question
Now take me to Hawaii again
Switzerland is overrated place go to the Philippines
I’ve never had Indian food
Garlic Naan 🥺
Cheap and best
So we can eat
Hawaiian food too sweet
Pinoys suck
OK, so nobody’s from India all right then I had a huge question
Theyre ugly
I’ve been to Indian so I wouldn’t know
if I go to India, will the women grope me also?
Here’s what I heard about Hawaii
I heard the locals from Hawaii. Don’t really like tourists.
I’ve been 3 times already
Oh well
So you have to be pretty careful where you..
I’ve never left america
They like our money
I’m pretty sure you are not supposed to travel to Hawaii
Plus indians are ugly thats why youve never seen a pretty indian
is there anywhere where the locals like tourists 😭
Idc what they like imma visit Hawaii someday 😂😂
Of course they like your money
Hawaii doesn’t like tourists and I kind of get that
damn they still hating indians 💀
They are still devastated
nobody anywhere likes tourists lol
No I love India
me too twin
Indians robb you be careful they're very smart