U think the market will go down alot yet?
Anyone in Pepe and if so what do u see exit date being around?
The world would rather buy Btc & eth the some cr*p cbdc I would not buy it & I think most crypto holders would rather see the originals continue to climb. Better for investing unlike cbdc. No real value in that.
Ya a lot over ride this the biggest traders in the world still predict a huge uptrend coming pays to be an optimist even if u don’t think it will being in and riding it regardless is better then not being in at all over time it much more likely prevails
I watched a guy never get into the markets he sat on the sidelines watching others winking for years because u take that chance & he grew resentful of others doing it & he kept waiting fir the “perfect” time which never came. Don’t be that guy.
More. Then. Ever. Trump & Black Rock are buying non stop during this time it is about to go up we just don’t know when.
Especially Ethereum there’s a safe bet
Why r so many ppl against meme coins?