It's not like I'm a serial hugger going around hugging strangers or even all family members But if there are people I care about I like giving them a hug from time to time. I like showing affection.
My crazy boss sometimes want to hug me and I find that highly inappropriate. Lol
You don't get it Sugar. The boss is short and then I don't know it it's on purpose but her hand will slip and then it slips onto my ass and al I want to do is puke then. Lol
>>> Lol i had a boss who took us out all for l...
Go give the oom a hug. 🤣 🤣 🤣
A old client asked my female co worker if she would bathe him🤣🤣🤣
I ended up escorting him out of the business. I am not good with tolerating disrespect.
It's peoplelike that that gives all men a bad name.
>>> I also have big boobs , so hugging kinda s...
You mean books. Lol
Good and you. Please change your name in the settings newbie.🙂
>>> Please leave modding to mods
Just thought I would be nice enough to help a newbie out. Won't happen again sorry.
I don't have the time nor patience to make multiple accounts. Just seem like too much work
I unfortunately only have 1 personality so you either like it or you don't. Lol
The heat is unbearable and my co worker is on her "spawn of satan" cycle so I just steer way clear of her but the heat are not helping the situation.
>>> Luckily we don't have a bad heat wave today
Send some of that cool weather here please foxy. Help a man out🤣🤣
>>> Lol no i dont want your heat
Don't worry I wasn't going to send the heat your way. 😉
So who wants the heat I have more than enough to give away?
Needed to cool down a bit. Lol
>>> Omg yum cluedo
You want one? I bought a Six pack. Lol
You guys can get a combi and I will drive you too the concert and back so you can at least have some drinks on the way. Lol. Don't worry will just be drop off and pick up.🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why scary. I won't be the one drinking. Lol