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Andromeda Galaxy biatch
😪😪😪 biatch
i live with my dad relax biatch
Yes botss yesss biatch
Purply shh biatch
Growing up without knowing ur dad biatch
u shhhh biatch
Mental issues biatch
Yes yess biatch
I miss old newbies group biatch
🥺 biatch
Yes that too biatch
seal be nice or be quiet biatch
I'm in love with purply biatch
Yes biatch
Old newbie was fun biatch
no u not biatch
I miss old newbies too catto biatch
Who are you biatch
I used to be biatch
Afternoon every biatch
good mornjng biatch
Prolly i might know you catto biatch
🤔 biatch
religion talk is so boring biatch
Yes on a dating app it's biatch
This app ain't that fun anymore as it used to be 3 years ago biatch
😪 biatch
Muslims are bad they get 4 wives also us biatch
Purply are u shy biatch
Hmm its changed biatch
6000 bf gf biatch
Indeed biatch
Bad people biatch
She doesn't trust me biatch
Chelsea leave us alone biatch
God is god not a creature to have family and father and mother and birth biatch
Mark my words people biatch
I will cream pie purply biatch
Chat how do i gain karma biatch
I need Chelsea to be ok with it biatch
I never knew my father biatch
So low in karma biatch
Really difficult t esrm karma biatch
Chelsea are u here biatch
Will burn in hellfire for infinity biatch
Where did purply go biatch
At least say no purply biatch
No one can run from death biatch