I have heard that
What a match
Though room temp is better for you
Ice water 😮‍💨
That sounds amazing
I’m crazy about it
And I have a mini fridge w ice
I keep a Brita filter in my room
Water bottle away*
Omg lol
Very fancy. I just use the plastic arrowhead bottles. I drink water toooo much that it’s like. I don’t want a specific cup ima just throw the water away 🤣
Always have a water on hand. Stay hydrated
Cotton mouth do be worse
My mouth is dry now tho
Very convenient for sureeee
That’s fair
I would with pens tho
I don’t smoke in my room only cause I don’t want it to smell like weed and it’s where my pc is and I don’t need it gettin gross or nothin
But this house now I swear just spreads it like crazy
Lol yeah at my parents house I would just smoke in my room
I tend to use a bathroom with a window 🤣 guess I’m spoiled
Not working cause I help my mom watch my nephews, cause she’s unable sometimes due to back issues or other health stuffs
It’s so nice not having to be outside in the cold lol
They only reason I don’t smoke flower anymore
Surprisingly I didn’t smoke before I laid down. But oh whale. I wish I had a pen. More convenient. But I don’t got the funds
Weed is the best night cap
Gotcha thank you 🥹
I don't use weed neither
Then not yet. They’re safety scissors, I’m trynna be safe
But it might be my phantom arm
Idk. Can you still feel it?
Me neither. Just weed for me
Did you chop my arm off yet
I don't use anything
Noooo I don’t use nic
Vape ?
I need to hit my pen
Then go to bed
I’m like tired but not really
I’m also tired
Well. Sorta.

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